FAQ for Videos

Thank you for subscribing to the Moving Stretch videos! I hope you get a lot of benefit from them. Below are some answers to common questions, if your question is not answered below, please feel free to email and ask.

How soon should I expect to get a benefit from the stretching?
This is very individual; one person can change in a day, another in 3 weeks. Stick with it and you will most likely find that your body changes according to its own schedule and that that cannot be rushed.
How often should I be stretching?
If you are new to movement and have been sedentary for a while you might want to start by stretching around 3 times a week and build up to 6 days a week if you do not experience any pain or fatigue as a result. If you are already pretty fit you can start with 5-6 days a week.
I’m not certain if stretching will help a current issue I have, or if I am fit enough to stretch right now.
You should always check with a doctor or relevant therapist first if you are unsure about stretching or have an injury. You should never push through pain or do anything that is beyond your natural range of motion (i.e. it feels like a strain). Also take care not to stretch in the 40 minutes before you work out.
I am not sure if I am doing the stretching correctly, is there a way to have a Moving Stretch trainer to check my technique?
It may be possible for you to attend a class or arrange an online session with a trainer. You can look for a trainer near you in the Find a trainer section.
I would like to buy membership for a friend, is this possible?
Of course, just click this link and you can send them the gift of a month’s membership!
How can I change my card details?
Just click this link and enter your new details.
I am worried about submitting my card details, how secure is my information?
All payment processing is handled by Stripe, a certified Level 1 PCI Service Provider (the most stringent level of certification available). When credit card data is submitted it is sent directly to Stripe via JavaScript over a secure SSL connection. The payment data does not go to Moving Stretch at all.
I would like to suspend/ cancel my membership, how do I do that?
To unsubscribe, just go to any page that subscribers can access. At the bottom there will be a box that says “Moving Stretch Members”, click account, and then subscriptions and from there you call select “Turn off auto renew”. Once you’ve done that you will no longer be billed, but you can continue to use the site up to the date you have paid for. When you want to start again, simply sign up again. Please note if the price goes up before you sign up again you will need to pay the new price.
My friend would also benefit from the stretching, how can I let them know about it?
If you think they might like the videos you can send them a link to our website or you could also recommend the book: Moving Stretch: Work Your Fascia to Free Your Body.
There is content I would like, but is not available, would you like to hear about it?
Yes please, we are always seeking to improve the service. Please email any suggestions for things that you would like added, or that could be done better to hello@movingstretch.com.

I hope you are having a great time with your stretching at home. Effort that you put in now could change your health and life in the future, so your future self will thank you!


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