Stretch Online

Moving Stretch® trainers are now offering sessions online so you can have a thorough stretch in the comfort of your own home. Whether you are working at a desk all day, looking after kids or a variety of activities it is easy to end up feeling hunched, stiff or tense.
Have a session uniquely tailored to you, to stretch out your tension, feel taller and more relaxed and keep working towards health and fitness goals.

You can arrange a 1-2-1 session or even a mini-class for your household. Choose a trainer to get started.

More info on Online Sessions

Moving Stretch® self-stretching is great for everyone - whether your flexibility-levels are closer to a plank or a ballet dancer.

Because each session is tailored to you, you can work towards a specific goal (like working on a stiff back or shoulders, or boosting performance in your sport) or you can generally focus on becoming more youthful and free-to-move.

Whatever your goal or your physical state, your trainer will meet you where you are and adapt your session as needed.

Note on having online sessions: any trainers listed on this site have trained with Moving Stretch founder Suzanne Wylde, but are not employed by her. Therefore you will arrange and pay for your sessions directly with your trainer, and Suzanne cannot take responsibility for the quality of the sessions. However, each trainer has passed multiple assessments to ensure a great standard. Enjoy your stretching!
Stretching videos
If you would like to stretch along to videos instead have a look at the stretching videos on this site, or our course on Udemy, currently on sale with this link.