
Suzanne and other Moving Stretch trainers are sometimes available to speak, hold workshops and contribute to events. Below you will find more information on the types of events we offer as well as past events.

There is also information for the general public on joining events we are offering, and do follow us on Facebook to be updated more regularly about upcoming events.

Workshops, Talks and Events

Suzanne and the Moving Stretch team are able to present talks, workshops, classes and demonstrations on Moving Stretch to introduce people to this new concept, from beginners to experts.

Suzanne has presented and taught at many events including the Brighton Yoga Festival, the OM Yoga Show, the British Fascia Symposium and the Body Readers Workshop in Copenhagen. She has taught runners, gym bunnies, office workers, athletes and other therapists, tailoring the class to the needs of that group. It is an exciting, effective and innovative new technique, and both classes and talks have quickly become oversubscribed.

Om Yoga Show StandOm Yoga Show Class
Brighton Yoga FestivalRun For Your Life 2018
Run for Your Life 2017Book Launch

If you would like to offer a Moving Stretch class, talk, workshop or demonstration at your event please enquire as early as possible to avoid disappointment, with details of the venue, event, dates, timing and details of which kind of event you would like us to add to your program.

Moving Stretch trainers are running regular classes in the UK and abroad, check with the Find a Trainer page and contact trainer closest to you for the most up-to-date details.

We hold both half and full day workshops, to be notified of upcoming workshops please like us on Facebook, and you can also sign up to our mailing list below to hear about upcoming events.
