We hope you enjoy your stretching journey!
Get the most out of it
Use the guide within the book and the tips below to get the most out of your self stretching. Moving Stretch® was created especially to fit the needs of individuals, and if you take the time to learn the main principles and stretch consistently you will boost your posture, performance and physical health noticeably.
Share your journey
Sometimes making a consistent effort by yourself can be hard. Check in with our community to share your progress, learn new skills and celebrate other’s success. We have a Facebook group for that specific purpose, so share your progress with us, we want to know! You can check out our Facebook and twitter pages for info and events.
Work your fascia
The reason we get such great results is that we work with the fascia of the body, not against it, in spite of it, or indifferently to it. But with it in a way that helps to recruit it within the stretch, re-shape and recondition it, giving you the ability to reconstruct yourself. Other stretching tries to work by pulling against it, sometimes injuring it, often getting only very temporary changes that disappear soon after.
By working with this essential structural component of your body you will be empowered. If you want to understand more about how this works, check out the About Fascia chapter.
building your body
The amazing thing about starting to stretch, or starting almost anything, is that you get a boost of enthusiasm, initial changes and start to feel better almost immediately.
But when the stretches start to seem more familiar, you get busy or motivation wanes it is easy to believe that these early benefits are the only ones that stretching can provide.
Actually the natural path of change is that you improve, plateau, improve, plateau and on and on, reaching new levels of success. But only if you keep going. KEEP GOING, you will thank yourself later. Don’t get stuck in the plateau. It’s really flat and boring. Keep stretching instead!
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How to get the most out of the book
before you start
Do the flexibility assessment before you start stretching, even if you are super keen. You will be glad did so you can measure your progress later.
As a bonus for checking this page out, you can download The Flexibility Self-Assessment Tables to use for inputting your flexibility measurements.
It is vital that you read the How To Stretch chapter of the book before starting. Moving Stretch is different to any technique you’ve done before, most likely, so it is important that you know how to do it safely and efficiently to get the most out of your stretching.
Make sure you are ready to stretch by checking with your doctor or physio first if you have any pre-existing injury, pain or health issues. If you develop an issue after you have started stretching, stop immediately until you have seen a doctor.
Although it is tempting to do loads and stretch really hard, know that you have to build up sustainably to get a genuine improvement. If you are already exercising or doing a sport I suggest that you stretch either more than 40mins before, or when still warm after training and do not push through any pain. Although athletes are great at putting up with pain, this is not beneficial at all in resistance stretching.
Share your stretching journey
Join our special Facebook group to share your progress, photos and success stories. Encourage other people with their stretching, ask questions and find out about events in your area.
We also use our Facebook page and twitter to connect to people stretching around the world, share interesting news and let people know about events. Join us on there!
We also have non-virtual, real-life self-stretching classes where you can meet our trainers and get expert advice on your stretching.
More than that, in certain cities we have trainers who can offer assisted stretching sessions, which deliver even more amazing results in a shorter amount of time.
If you fall head-over-heels in love with Moving Stretch, we offer workshops in different locations where you can deepen your knowledge of self-stretching with resistance.
We also provide teacher training, which allows you to deliver a method that changes lives and join an exciting growing community. Check out the training page for more information on our courses.
more Great ideas
Because this is a new method, many of your friends and family won’t have heard of it. We would greatly appreciate you taking the time to like and share stories about us on social media and spread the word. The more people hear about us, the more people we can help. Thank you very much.
Keep setting goals, change your stretching up every so often and make sure you do at least one stretch you find hard and want to avoid at all costs every day. This will ensure that you keep getting meaningful changes in your body from the stretching and you do not get bored.
If there are no classes in your group, why not get together with a small group of friends, or even let a personal trainer or fitness professional you work with know about the training, so they can bring Moving Stretch® to your town. You will get more done with other people.
I recommend pausing regularly and taking stock of how far you have come. Notice the change in your body and enjoy it. It is hard to constantly put effort in without reflecting on the benefits you are working towards and already experiencing. You might want to look back on your before photos, videos, measurements or your diary every so often and think, for example; “I remember when I moved like an old man!”.
“Flexibility helps you to adapt to the world and all the s**t that comes your way.Strength gives you the resilience to stand your ground and stand up for what you believe in.
A strong and flexible body = a force to be reckoned with”.
Suzanne Wylde