Beginner’s Basic Stretching Program

This mini program gives you a taste of the full Beginner's Stretching Program. You can do these stretches 5-6 days a week for 3 weeks.

If you haven't already, check out this guide on how to stretch, and then come back and start stretching! There are also some notes below to help you get the most out of your stretching.

If you want to jump in to the full 6-week program, just click here and get started. Otherwise, try the stretches below for free.

1. Circling Arms Out

This is a great warm-up stretch that opens your chest and shoulders and gets the blood flowing right away. Think about opening up and stretching out in all directions with your arms.


2. Sit Cross-Legged. Lean Forward

A great stretch for your abductors. Make sure your feet are under your knees and not further back. If you are very stiff  you can also move your feet further forward if that is easier, and do not push too hard or lean forward further than is comfortable.

3. Child’s Pose with Resistance

A satisfying stretch for your shoulders and back, the key is to find how far forward your hands need to be in order to stretch fully, so you can have a play around with that.

4. Wideleg Squat

This stretches the inside back of your legs. Try to keep the tension on continuously by squeezing your legs inwards and backwards behind you (without actually moving your feet).

How to Use this Program

This is a great way to learn to use Moving Stretch to boost your flexibility, mobility and even energy levels. People have got amazing results using these techniques and the key is regular, consistent stretching.

Do all of the stretches above every day for 1-3 weeks, up to 6 days a week. We recommend stretching at least 4 days a week to see a change. If you want to extend a routine you can pause the video and complete more reps, if you need to do less, just sit some of the reps out. Typically people do 7-10 reps of each stretch, and 1-3 sets.

I recommend you have a bottle of water handy and also a yoga mat is a plus.

Are you ready for a more powerful routine? Sign up below and you will get access to our full 6-week Beginner Stretching Program, which includes our flexibility self-assessment and other resources!

There are more videos for you to watch! Click here to get access to all of them for only £9.99 a month (you can cancel at any time).

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Alternatively try more of the other stretches on our site:

Our Free Stretches

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If you would like to try a stretching routine you can use every day - lifetime access to this course on Udemy - is available for a discounted price using this link.

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